Thursday, January 8, 2009

Still sick

Ugh. Ayla is still sick, the poor little girl. At least she's not throwing up anymore, which means we are heading in the right direction. She can't lay down comfortably so I have been the lucky one to hold her most of the night this week so she will rest. The one benefit to this cold is she is all she wants to do is cuddle... and of course rub her snotty nose all over my shirt-ewwwww! Really I brought this all on myself. Last week I was complaining that she never wants to cuddle or be held anymore... When will I learn to shut my mouth?! I'm just hoping she is better by the weekend since I have to work and leave her home with Nate (who seems to be getting sick now too).

On the brighter side of things, I am actively working towards my goals. I decided that this year WILL be a good one, and therefore I need to be proactive! I have joined a weight loss challenge at work. We are doing teams of 4, kind of a biggest loser type thing. I need to lose 20 lbs to reach my goal, although I am hoping to lose closer to 30. I have also started gathering the information I need to open up my cake business. I've been in contact with the health department to find out the steps I need to become licensed... it's going to be a lot of work, and I still need to find a place that will let me rent their kitchen space, but at least I'm starting the process.


Nimkee's Mum said...

*~Happy New Year Corin~*I am finally stopping in to catch up what you've been up to. Sorry to hear that your sweet girl's not feeling well. I hope it passes quickly, for all of you!

Good luck with your resolutions...I am hoping that this I can learn to have more FAITH and so far it's being tested to the max! Oh well, I guess I asked for it!

Best of luck with opening your cake sure do have the knack---you're creations are amazing!

(((HUGS))) M xxoo :O)

Fer said...

I'm so sorry Ayla is sick! (((hugs))) Juan Pablo is sick too. I hope they both get better soon :)