Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Shannon

I wanted to take a moment to ask you all to remember another beautiful angel. Shannon Elizabeth was also born with CDH, and sadly passed away. Her memorial website was the first one I came across in my search for other CDH families. Later on Shannon's mom, Kate, and I met through CHERUBS and became very good friends. I feel so blessed to have Kate in my life. Shannon has touched so many lives, and although I never had the opportunity to meet this beautiful angel, she will always have a special place in my heart.

Please light a candle in memory of Shannon, and keep her family in your prayers this week as they celebrate the life of this sweet angel.

Shannon Elizabeth (01/16/07-01/19/07)

An Angel with the book of life wrote down our baby's birth.
She whispered as she closed it,
"Too beautiful for Earth"

1 comment:

Fer said...

I'm thinking about you Kate, and ^Shannon^

Corin, do you know that Gabe's page was the 1st one I saw when I 1st started doing my CDH online search?
