Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sick again

Ayla is sick....again! She finally got over the last cold she had, and barely a week later she's sick. Ugh. I know it's all about building up immunities right now, but I am so tired of cleaning up puke and trying to comfort a very grumpy little girl. I think once she starts feeling better I am going to take a night off and get out of this house! I'm going crazy here!

Other than that things are going pretty well. I've picked up more hours at work, which leaves me less time to do everything else, but at least the pay check is a bit bigger.

I'm starting to plan Ayla's first birthday! We are keeping it small since we are limited on funds, but it should be nice. I can't believe my baby is almost a year old already. Time really flies by. She is looking more and more like a little girl and less like a baby every day. She is standing by herself now and I think she will be taking her first steps very soon.

2 days after Ayla's birthday, she and I are flying out to Michigan to meet up with some friends of mine I met through CHERUBS. I am soooo excited to see them again, I can't wait! I've been counting down for weeks now. It's going to be interesting flying alone with Ayla. I hate flying alone to start with, and I know having a baby will make it harder, but it is going to be so worth it!

Well, thats about it for now. Life has been pretty boring since I am pretty much stuck in the house besides work until Ayla gets better. I can't wait for Spring!

Here are some recent pics of Ayla:

1 comment:

Fer said...

Awww Corin, Ayla is super cute! I'm sorry she's sick again :( I hope she feels better soon!