Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted! Life has been hectic as usual...

After Ayla's birthday I left for a mini vacation/CHERUBS get together in Indiana. I brought Ayla with me, and had a great time! I met up with 4 other CDH families and shared a lot of laughs, tears, and good times all around! I really wish we could do it more often.

Unfortunately after getting back home, Ayla got sick, passed it to me and I passed it to Nate who is still not feeling well. The last two weeks have been horrible! I can't wait for Spring to finally arrive! I just hope this is the last round of sickness in my house this winter.

Bakery update: Well...things didn't go the way I had hoped :( The bakery owner ended up having someone ready to sign the lease now, and I wasn't. Pretty much sums it up. It sucks, but I'm not giving up on opening a business soon. The whole experience has opened up some other doors, and given me a much better idea of what my next steps need to be. I will update more on this in the next week or so. The next month or so is going to be filled with meetings, appointments, classes, and a lot of work... but I will be ready next time a space opens up! I know it's going to work out, and finally feel like my dream is within reach. I've never thought I would feel so positive about loosing out on the bakery space, but I'm taking it as a learning experience and feeling pretty good about what I learned :)

That about sums it up for now. I've got a lot going on right now, but will try to update a little more often :)

Here are a couple of pics:

Indiana Get Together:
Ayla's birthday shoot:

1 comment:

Fer said...

Corin! Loved Ayla's pics!!!!!!

I'm so sorry about the bakery, but hopefully you will find something better and soon ;)