Thursday, March 12, 2009

Makayla's walking!

I figured it was a good time for another Makayla update :)

We had her 12 month check up yesterday (a couple weeks late) and it went very well. She weighed in at 22 lbs and 30 inches long, right around the 50-60th percentile in both. She gained 2 lbs and 1 inch since her 9 month check. They gave her shots (which always breaks my heart) and drew blood to do a few screenings which I'm waiting on the results for. They also decided to do a eye screening since Nate wears glasses and I had a lazy eye as a kid. it was difficult to keep her focused but after multiple attempts they were able to get her to do what they wanted and she passed :) All around a good appointment!

Last week Makayla started walking! She has been cruising around the furniture for awhile now, and would take 1 or 2 steps to get from one thing to another, but nothing more than that. March 5th (Nate and I's dating anniversary ;) ) I gave her her sippy cup while she was standing and she walked it over to the couch! I was so excited and she was so proud of herself. Every day she seems to gets braver. Today she was doing really good going from one end of the room to the other and back. Of course Nate and I made a big deal every time she did so she thought it was great!

Here's a little short video clip of her walking:

1 comment:

Burt and Christy Michel said...

OH MY, Corin, She is just soooo beautiful ! What a Ham.