Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Gabe

Happy Birthday to my little man. Three years....has it really been three years? These milestones always bring up the same questions; what would he look like? what would his personality be like? I miss him.... 3 years and still not a day goes by that I don't think about him.

Nate took the day off work. We started the day on a bad note, having to put my pet rat, Dumbo, to sleep. She was old and sick, and I had been putting it off for awhile. I am now done with caged animals. They don't live long enough, so I am done! I don't really have the time for them anyways.

We brought gift bags to Lawrence and Memorial Hospital. My way of giving Gabe his birthday presents. We dropped them off and met with the head NICU nurse. She seemed very interested in Project Sweet Pea, and very excited to get the bags. It's nice to know they will make a difference and be put to good use. L&M Hospital was where Ayla was born and spent her short NICU stay. It's a very nice hospital, with a great NICU, although it is much smaller than Mass General. Afterwards we visited Gabe's site and decorated his stone for the holidays. Whenever I am out shopping I always pick up little nicknacks to leave for him. I am determined for the rest of my life to make sure he has a well decorated site. One of the few things I can still do for him.

Wow, 3 years. 3 years and it still feels as raw somedays as the day he passed. I guess you never get over something like that, even though people who have never been through it seem to think you should...

I am probably going to make my blog private for awhile... I use this blog as a journal and I am afraid of being judged, or things taken the wrong way, which has kept me from blogging a lot lately. I have written quite a few entries lately and then deleted them b/c of this.... If you read this and you would like an invitation to my blog once I make it private, please either post a comment or email me at:


Christmas with Kasey said...

Happy Birthday Gabe. I hope you sent your family lots of extra love.

Stacey W said...

You and your family is such a big influence. There may be some days that are really hard and the rest are just hard but you still get up and make the most out of your days, for your daughter and the memory of Gabe. You guys should be very proud. I am very new to the blogging world, but I will be following your blog. Like I said at the beginning you are my inspiration. I hope you find your way to move on. Your family are in our prayers.
I hope I didn't offend you in any way.
With lots of love