Sunday, August 10, 2008

Your Baby is 21 Months Old-Ugh!

Yup-he would have been. But he instead he will forever be 2 months old.

Today was just one of those rough days that pop up every now and then. At least they are a lot less frequent. It started with a dream: I had two beautiful kids. One little girl and one little boy. The little boy was about two, was running around and had a mouth full of teeth. I looked at him and realized that I didn't remember him getting that big-or having any teeth. I asked him when he had grown...and he replied that I had missed it all b/c I was paying all my attention to Ayla.

Well, I think that's a pretty easy dream to interpret. I feel that nagging guilt that I am moving on with my life. No big revelation-it just sucks.

Then I got the mail, and right on top was a pampers flyer for pull ups that read: Your baby is 21 months old! Most days I could just toss it aside... but today it felt like a slap in the face. Ugh-yep, just one of those days.

1 comment:

Nimkee's Mum said...

Oh hun.....I have tears reading this. I so remember those feelings of guilt following the loss of Noah-Alexander 9 yrs ago. Even now I tell myself that our angels want to see happy, smiling Mommies!

As for the mail. Ugh! I signed up to receive some of that stuff when I first got pregnant with Nimkee, NOT knowing he wasn't staying. As you know they ask for your due date. Just as I was returning home from losing him I received a can of infant formula and diaper samples in the mail. I cried for hours!!

((((BIG HUGS)))) We're in this together hun.....remember that always..xxoo